Best Natural Energy Drinks

Do you need a pick-me-up? Do not take a sip of that soft drink! Sure, the sugar and caffeine will make you feel stimulated, but that boost in blood sugar is only temporary. You’ll crash when it wears off, and you’ll feel even worse than before!

The good news is that there are a variety of natural energy drinks available that will boost your energy without raising your blood sugar.

That implies there will be no energy dips or empty calories. Many of these beverages can be produced at home, eliminating the need for added sugars and artificial chemicals.

Here are eight of the best natural energy beverages you can try at home (and prepare).

1. Kombucha

Kombucha is a fermented tea brewed with a SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast).

Kombucha offers a broad number of health benefits, including B vitamins, glucuronic acid (a detoxifier), and polyphenols high in antioxidants. But it’s the probiotic bacteria and acetic acid in kombucha that have been proven to increase energy levels. [1]

Probiotics are essential for energy production. According to studies, boosting the mix of beneficial bacteria in your gut will help your “friendly” bacteria break down the nutrients in the food you eat. [2] This means that consuming the correct foods will give you a natural energy boost!

Acetic acid has also been demonstrated to boost metabolism, which means you’ll be burning calories more efficiently.

Acetic acid is the only short-chain fatty acid that reaches considerable amounts of the systemic circulation, where it supplies energy to muscles and other tissues. It’s also non-insulinogenic, meaning it won’t cause a surge in blood sugar.

You may either make your own kombucha at home using a SCOBY or buy bottled kombucha in a store. Just make sure you get the genuine article! [3]

2. Oolong Tea

A delightful cup of oolong tea might help you regain your energy. This traditional Chinese beverage, also known as “black dragon tea,” is high in catechins, which are identical to those found in green tea. These catechins operate by encouraging your body to break down fat, which can help you feel more energized.

According to studies, the catechins in oolong tea assist your body burn fat cells for energy, while the modest caffeine concentration can help you get through the day.

Drinking full-strength oolong tea has also been found to enhance energy expenditure and fat oxidation by 12%, which means you’ll be able to get more energy from your food.

It might even aid in weight loss! [4] Teabags or loose leaves can be used to brew oolong tea. For an extra kick, try combining it with green tea.

3. Green Tea

Green tea, which is well-known around the world for its health advantages, is frequently included in the list of beverages consumed by athletes to boost their energy levels.

Green tea’s stimulating properties are due in large part to its caffeine level. According to studies, green tea can enhance your metabolism and keep you feeling energized throughout the day. [5]

Green tea is also thought to boost fat-burning by improving your liver’s ability to transform body fat into energy by urging fat cells to release fat.

This is especially beneficial when it comes to losing weight. To keep your metabolism and brain functioning, drink green tea throughout the day.

A cup or two before a workout could also contribute to your endurance and stamina.

4. Kvass

Kvass is a fermented beverage similar to kombucha, but it’s produced from rye bread. [6] This traditional Slavic and Baltic drink is known as “black bread” in several Eastern European nations.

Fruits like strawberries and raisins, as well as herbs like mint, can be used to flavor kvass. Kvass is traditionally served unfiltered, with its natural yeast content, which contributes to its distinct flavor.

It’s high in B vitamins, which aid in the production of energy in your body. Lactic acid and simple carbohydrates are also included in kvass, which can provide a fast boost. [7]

The fermentation process of kvass, like that of kombucha, allows for the growth of good bacteria that can help with digestion. This implies you’ll be able to absorb more energy from the meals you consume.

Beetroot can also be used to make kvass, which adds to its nutritional value and improves your gut microbiome. Beets are high in folate, vitamin C, potassium, iron, and phytonutrients, among other things. When fermented into kvass, they become more bioavailable!

5. Matcha

One of Japan’s most revered beverages is matcha. Green tea leaves are crushed into a fine, vivid green powder and then blended with hot or cold water. Many of the natural antioxidants and other nutrients in the leaves are preserved as a result of this process. [8]

Matcha tea bushes are grown in shaded places, which inhibits the plant’s growth by delaying photosynthesis. As a result, there is a larger concentration of chlorophyll, which is a powerful detoxifier as well as a good source of energy.

When you drink matcha, you’re drinking the entire leaf, which has all of the natural caffeine and antioxidants.

The nutrient value is estimated to be nearly ten times that of traditional, steeped green tea! Best of all, a match gives you a gradual boost of energy rather than the “kick” that coffee gives you.

6. Coconut Water

Although coconut water is 95% water, it is nevertheless a fantastic source of revitalizing nutrients. Coconut water is a naturally sweet and refreshing drink made from the clear liquid contained in green coconuts.

Coconut water is a better option than sports drinks, with over 10 times the potassium! Potassium aids in the maintenance of a healthy electrolyte balance, which is important before and during exercise because it contains less sodium—the main electrolyte lost through sweat—than other sports beverages.

The magnesium in coconut water also aids proper energy generation and minimizes cramping, allowing you to exercise for longer periods of time. [9]

Most notably, coconut water contains fewer carbohydrates than many commercial sports drinks, which is critical for appropriate rehydration following exercise.

7. Yerba Mate

Yerba mate is a traditional South American drink produced from the dried leaves of Ilex paraguariensis, a kind of holly. It’s a really convivial drink that’s well-known all over South America.

Yerba mate can give you a surge of energy in the same way that coffee does, but without the jitters! In reality, yerba mate’s stimulating effects are described as soothing and peaceful.

Mate users say they feel more alert but not as jittery as they do after a cup of coffee.

Many athletes take yerba mate to improve their physical performance before a workout or event for this reason. It’s also thought to benefit people with mental or physical exhaustion or chronic fatigue syndrome.

It’s also psychologically stimulating, as yerba mate improves memory, mood, and focus. It stimulates the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is supposed to help you feel more motivated and productive. [10]

8. Carrot Juice

Carrots are high in beta-carotene, a provitamin A carotenoid that your body can convert to vitamin A fast. Beta carotene is a potent antioxidant that protects your body from free radicals while also increasing your energy levels.

Vitamin A has a crucial function in growth and development, as well as energy maintenance. Vitamin A is essential for everyday energy generation and physical exercise, according to research. [11]

Our cells generate energy by producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP), an energy-carrying chemical found in all living creatures’ cells.

To do so, our cells must first have enough vitamin A. A Vitamin A deficiency will have a direct impact on your body’s ATP generation, resulting in a decrease in energy levels.

Carrot juice is one of the healthiest vegetable-based beverages available, and it has far less sugar than fruit juices! It’s also really simple to make at home.

Final Thoughts

You don’t need to drink artificial energy drinks to obtain a burst of energy. Try these eight natural energy beverages, which are high in micronutrients and will help you stay healthy, active, and invigorated.

You’ll just have to put in a bit more effort in terms of preparation, but I promise it’ll be worth it.


1. Health Line: 8 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Kombucha Tea

2. Harvard Health Publishing: Can gut bacteria improve your health?

3. Organic Authority: 7 Easy Ways to Know If Your Kombucha Is Authentic (and Why it Matters)

4.HealthLine: What is Oolong Tea and What Benefits Does it Have?

5. HealthLine: How Green Tea Can Help You Lose Weight

6. The Candida Diet: Fermented Foods: A Shortcut To A Healthy Gut

7. ResearchGate: Health benefits of kvass manufactured from rye wholemeal bread

8. Eat This, Not That!: The Healthiest Drinks to Sip Right Now, According to Dietitians

9. Health Line: 8 Science-Based Health Benefits of Coconut Water

10. Healthy Options: Reasons to Start Drinking Yerba Mate Tea

11. Vitagene: The 5 Reasons You Need Vitamin A for Energy

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