Do you have trouble focusing? Improvements that can be made

Society has benefited greatly from technological advancements. In recent years, healthcare, transportation, and communication have all improved substantially.

However, it is evident that modern society’s fast-paced, convenience-oriented worldview has resulted in an increase in people with short attention spans.

The following are some indications of a short attention span:

  • Important details are missing
  • Having a hard time interacting with others
  • During meetings and seminars, not paying attention
  • A tendency to become easily distracted
  • Inability to do things in a timely manner

Short attention spans can be caused by medical illnesses such as ADHD in some situations. [1] More typically, it’s a loss of focus caused by the modern world’s constant attempts to divert our attention.

If any of these indications appear frequently in your life, you may need to shorten your attention span in the long run. These ten techniques can help you increase your focus so you can make the most of every opportunity.

1. Curb Your Screen Time

Electronics have already been identified as a factor in many people’s inability to focus. Our minds might be constantly spun in circles due to easy access to social media sites, internet films, and infinite web pages.

We are practically overwhelmed by the amount of information and amusement available. 
Have you ever been distracted from your work by a simple Facebook notification? Take a cue from your children’s phones to reduce your screen time. [2]

Remove all social media apps and games from your phone and limit yourself to texting and phone calls. 

2. Remove Distractions

Your phone will not be the only object demanding your attention. Your attention can be strained by a variety of factors. Once you’ve figured out what they are, you may concentrate on getting rid of them.

Minor distractions might make you fidgety and cause you to lose focus, such as background noise or a space that is too hot or cold.

Items strewn around your desk and office might generate worry and divert your focus for a split second, just long enough to disrupt your rhythm.

3. Take Notes

If you’re in a really dull meeting or classroom, you might as well be begging for something to take your mind off it. This mentality extends to even the most essential meetings, where you risk missing crucial information.

Start taking notes to shift your perspective. This activity requires your full concentration, which will help improve your attention span.

Taking notes improves memory, aids in recalling specifics, and serves as a physical reminder for those crucial things you need to remember.

Furthermore, research has found that “students who took notes on laptops did lower on conceptual problems than students who took notes longhand,” so instead of using your gadget, take notes using a pen and paper. [3]

4. Drink More Water

Staying hydrated is critical to your physical well-being. It also aids in the management of a short attention span. Dehydration impairs your capacity to concentrate and think clearly. Even a small quantity of dehydration can have a major impact. 
Throughout the day, make sure you’re getting enough water. The idea is to drink regularly rather than guzzling a whole bottle immediately before you need to concentrate. You’ll never have to worry about dehydration again if you make it a habit. 

5. Get Some Exercise

Exercising has numerous advantages. Taking care of your body is beneficial to your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Regular physical activity can help you enhance your focus and short attention span, among other things. [4

There’s no need to pack your day with hours of strenuous activities. If you’re just getting started with exercise, an e-bike could be exactly what you need.

Even a brief walk can help your blood circulate and your brain becomes more active. The sun and the sights of nature are extremely good for your brain and psyche, thus outdoor exercise is highly useful. 

6. Try Meditating

Doing nothing is the polar opposite of exercise. Meditation isn’t just sitting around doing nothing—it’s a different technique of trying to restore your focus and spend time focusing on the present moment. It consists of a series of small steps that will help you relax while also enhancing your attention span.

Most types of meditation necessitate a tranquil environment as well as breathing exercises. The increased oxygen stimulates your brain, while the cadence of breaths relaxes and reclaims your thoughts.

Try meditation if you’re having an especially stressful day. Find a quiet spot, play some soothing music, and give your mind the rest it needs.

7. Take a Break

Give yourself a well-earned break when it all becomes too much. While meditation is a deliberate effort to recover focus, simply stepping back for a few moments can be beneficial. 
If your attention keeps wandering, take some time to deal with it before returning to your original work. Giving yourself a “brain break” can help you rethink and buckle down on your goals, whether it’s a five-minute pause for fresh air or a three-day weekend in the woods. 

8. Chew Gum

It’s strange, but it’s true: chewing gum can aid concentration.[5]
While it lacks any magical characteristics, this basic exercise can keep you occupied long enough to complete a task without becoming sidetracked.

Have you ever chewed a piece of gum to keep yourself awake on the road? The same may be said for concentrating at work.

Try chewing a piece of gum if your mind starts to wander during the workday. This could be the motivation you need to dig in and finish a challenging activity or get through the day. 

9. Stop Multitasking

Many people take pleasure in their multitasking abilities. While this is a useful skill, dividing your focus between multiple projects all of the time might exacerbate a short attention span. 
Stop multitasking for a time when you feel yourself slipping.

Make an effort to slow down and concentrate. Some days, you simply won’t have the attention span to efficiently manage many projects at the same time. It’s fine to focus on one task at a time in those situations. 

10. Get Enough Sleep

Your brain is at its wit’s end when you’re sleep-deprived. When your mind and body both want to sleep, it’s difficult to concentrate on anything. Make sure you’re receiving enough sleep every night to boost your attention span.

Develop a regular sleep plan that allows you to go to bed at a reasonable hour each night. This will assist you in staying well-rested throughout the day. Sleep deprivation thins you out, while much sleep makes you sleepy and lethargic. You’ll want to stay away from both extremes. 

Final Thoughts

It’s time to fix your short attention span if it’s harming your work, mental health, or personal life. These 15 suggestions can help you increase your focus and attention span. 
For the time being, deal with your focus challenges one day at a time. To develop a longer, more persistent attention span, all it needs is patience and practice. 


  1. Healthline: Short Attention Span: Signs, Causes & Ways to Pay Attention Better

2. ReadWrite: Gabb Wireless: A Smartphone for Kids to Keep Them Safe and Minimize Screen Time

3. Psychological Science: The Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard: Advantages of Longhand Over Laptop Note Taking

4. Harvard Health Publishing: Regular exercise changes the brain to improve memory, thinking skills

5. U.S. National Library of Medicine: Chewing Gum: Cognitive Performance, Mood, Well-Being, and Associated Physiology

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