How Long Does An Insurance Adjuster Have To Respond?

Generally, within 14 days of your claim, insurance providers are expected to notice and reply to any correspondence you make. After you submit a storm claim, the precise time it takes an insurance adjuster to reply can differ greatly.

The practice of insurance firms exploiting claim language and terminology is well recognized. It may be challenging to determine whether you committed a mistake or the insurance company is taking advantage of you as a result. Have a hurricane damage lawyer fight for your rights during the claims process to protect yourself.

What to Expect From Your Insurance Claims Adjuster after Hurricane Damage

The last adjustment of a hurricane damage claim must often be started by insurance companies 14 days after the claimant notifies them of a loss. However, insurance policies can contain intricate legal nuances that you might not be aware of. For some insurance policies, the 14-day window might not be applicable if a “catastrophic loss” was not experienced.

The time limit may also be extended by thirty days by insurance commissioners in situations when proclaimed emergencies or disasters occur. The insurance company may have up to 60 days to file your claim and begin the loss adjustment process, depending on the specifics of your case.

It’s crucial to remember that this deadline does not mandate that the insurance adjuster visit your house or property in person within the allotted 60 days. It is necessary to start the loss adjustment instead. This indicates that they are unable to act on your claim. For instance, they might provide you with a claim number or other details on how to manage your claim over the phone.

How Long Does It Take To Receive A Visit From An Adjuster?

The claims adjuster may occasionally request a face-to-face meeting in order to assess your claim, your injuries, and the damages that have happened.

You should receive a phone call within 1-3 days of sending a demand letter to schedule a meeting that can take place up to 2 days later.

The adjuster should preferably work with your lawyer to schedule this meeting, but occasionally the adjuster will try to bypass your lawyer and call you directly. If at all possible, avoid engaging in discussion with an insurance adjuster. Make every conversation, even the simplest ones like setting up a meeting, go via your lawyer.

Why Insist on Keeping Your Lawyer Between You and the Adjuster?

Considering that insurance adjusters are trained in interview strategies intended to compel claimants to divulge information that could diminish the validity of a claim. An adjuster may try to smuggle in a few questions during a routine scheduling call in an effort to deceive you about your legal and financial rights.

Your chance of falling for these ploys is reduced if you insist that your personal injury attorney contact the adjuster as much as possible.

Your attorney can assist you in avoiding danger by preparing you for the encounter and, if required, accompanying you if you need to meet with the adjuster in person.

How to Respond If Your Insurance Adjuster Is Not Responding

An elegantly dressed man is calmly sitting with his hands clasped. Without an attorney’s assistance, some consumers would have to wait a very long time for their liability insurance claim to be resolved.
Sometimes the adjuster just doesn’t react after your attorney sends the demand letter.

You and your attorney are in the dark in that situation. The lack of a response may have a straightforward cause, such as the adjuster being overworked or having taken a vacation, or the demand letter becoming misplaced at the insurance company. Or the extent of your damages or injuries may necessitate more effort and time to submit your claim.

Last but not least, the delay may be the result of an insurance company’s strategy to drag out the process in an effort to convince you to quit or become frustrated enough to accept a lowball settlement offer.

Therefore, you must ascertain what is what. However, as said above, if you can prevent it, you shouldn’t handle that personally since it could jeopardize your legal rights.

Let your lawyer handle an insurance adjuster instead by:

  • calling to follow up; sending an email;
  • visiting the website of the insurance provider to “chat” with a representative, if available; or
  • Getting in touch with the adjuster’s supervisor (the supervisor’s contact information is typically available on the company website along with the adjuster’s information).
  • In this phase of the process, try to maintain your composure and confidence. At some point, the insurer must respond, or else there may be legal repercussions. Your lawyer can help you navigate this process and help you determine whether the adjuster is possibly negotiating in bad faith.

How long does it take to resolve an auto insurance claim?

Whether there are personal injuries or only property damage, the typical time it takes to resolve an auto accident insurance claim varies substantially. Resolution of the claim shouldn’t take more than 6 to 8 weeks if it only involves property damage to the vehicle (no injuries).

The process for handling your claim will take between 8 and 16 months if you are claiming bodily injuries as a result of the accident.

How quickly should an insurance provider respond to a demand letter in an auto accident claim?
According to the results of our study, it usually takes two months for an insurance company to respond to a demand letter in an auto accident case.

What Insurance Company Reacts to Demand Letters in Accident Cases Slowest?

Demand letters are not promptly responded to by Erie Insurance Group. Erie Insurance had the slowest average response time for demand letters, according to our own internal research of over 100 distinct auto accident cases. Erie took an average of 86 days in a sampling of 10 cases to answer our demand letter. The response time from Erie was 6 days in the least case and 6 months in the longest.


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