How Much Does An Insurance Agent Make An Hour?

As of September 26, 2022, the average hourly pay for an insurance agent in the United States is $26, but the range frequently lies between $23 and $29. The hourly wage might vary significantly depending on a variety of significant aspects, including education, credentials, additional talents, and the length of time you have been in your line of work. assists you in determining your precise pay target by providing more online, real-time compensation data than any other website.

How much does a LIFE Insurance Agent make?

The average hourly wage for a LIFE Insurance Agent in the United States as of September 29, 2022, is $40.57.

The average hourly pay for a LIFE Insurance Agent in the United States is now between $27.16 (25th percentile) and $48.08 (75th percentile), with ZipRecruiter reporting earnings as high as $70.91 and as low as $10.10. Since the typical compensation for a LIFE Insurance Agent can vary significantly (by as much as $20.91), there may be a lot of room for growth and higher income depending on one’s skill level, location, and years of experience.

According to recent job posts on ZipRecruiter, there is a strong demand for LIFE Insurance Agents in Chicago, Illinois, as well as the neighborhood.

The average hourly wage for a LIFE Insurance Agent in your area is $41, which is $0.77 (2%) more than the $40.57 national average. Ranked first overall among the 50 states for LIFE Insurance Agent salary.

As millions of current jobs are listed locally around America, ZipRecruiter regularly searches its database to determine the most precise hourly salary range for LIFE Insurance Agent positions.

Today, use ZipRecruiter to find your next well-paying position as a LIFE Insurance Agent.

What are the Top 10 Highest Paying Cities for LIFE Insurance Agent Jobs

We’ve identified 10 cities where a LIFE Insurance Agent’s typical pay is higher than the national average. Atkinson, Nebraska, is at the top of the list, followed closely by Bolinas, California, and San Francisco, California. Bolinas, California exceeds the national average by $16,992 (20.1%), and Atkinson, Nebraska continues this pattern by exceeding the $84,380 average by an additional $20,673 (24.5%).

The average salary in these ten cities is greater than the national average, therefore moving in order to progress professionally as a LIFE Insurance Agent seems to be a very profitable move.

The average pay in these top ten locations changes only a tiny 11% between Atkinson, Nebraska, and Barnstable Town, Massachusetts, supporting the limited prospect for significant wage development. The ideal aspect to employ when weighing location and compensation for a LIFE Insurance Agent career may be the potential for a cheaper cost of living.

The following are some examples of duties: Evaluating clients’ insurance needs and offering rates arranging for insurance protection determining insurance premium amounts

Comparison with employment group

Retail sales supervisors and specialized sales vocations, which include insurance agents and brokers, will earn an average hourly income of $25.72 in 2020 when working full-time. The comparable median weekly compensation rate for 2020 is $960, translating to a roughly $50,000 full-time annual salary for this employment group.

number of people working

In Canada, there are approximately 70,000 insurance brokers and agents at work.


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