How To Get Diastasis Recti Surgery Covered By Insurance?

Repairing Separated Tummy Muscles with Abdominoplasty During Diastasis Recti Surgery Pregnancy causes many women to split their abdominal muscles, and exercise alone rarely helps them get back to normal. This causes an overhanging belly, bulge, or pooch that can be fixed with a full tummy tuck performed by female surgeon Dr. Carmen Munteanu.

Repairing Separated Tummy Muscles with Abdominoplasty During Diastasis Recti Surgery

Pregnancy causes many women to split their abdominal muscles, and exercise alone rarely helps them get back to normal. This causes an overhanging belly, bulge, or pooch, which can be fixed with a full tummy tuck performed by Dr. Carmen Munteanu, an Australian plastic surgeon.

The rectus abdominis muscle may be completely or partially torn apart, a condition known medically as diastasis recti. Diastasis recti is a frequent condition during and after pregnancy; it is estimated that 60% of women have it at this time. It can also happen to newborns and males who wrongly lift high weights, in addition to pregnant women.

What is Rectus Abdominis?

The pair of abdominal muscles known as the rectus abdominis, more frequently referred to as the ab muscles, meet at the midline of the stomach and are divided by a central band known as the linea alba.

The Rectus Abdominis is a vital abdominal muscle that aids in:

  • the right position
  • bending the lower back
  • powerful breathing
  • maintaining abdominal pressure and safeguarding the critical abdominal organs
  • creating pressure for urination and faeces

Causes of separated tummy muscles

When a woman is pregnant or giving birth, her belly muscles are most likely to separate. A woman’s body can undergo significant alteration throughout pregnancy and childbirth.

The abdominal muscles begin to stretch as the uterus expands during pregnancy to make room for the foetus.

Stretch marks on the belly area are a natural indication that your skin is being overextended, even though this is not the situation internally. Due to the tension brought on by constant straining of the abdominal region, the two main panels of muscles running down the centre of the abs begin to separate during pregnancy and delivery. The extended abdominal muscles may retract to their former position in some situations, but not in others. There is a bulge that denotes the potential location of the separation.

Although abdominal muscle separation in men is typically uncommon, it does happen occasionally as a result of improper lifting and exercising techniques.

Diastasis recti repair covered by insurance?

I had all three of my boys by c-section since they were such large infants. I’ve had a lot of back and stomach discomfort since having my last child. My diastasis recti is serious, according to recent information. The bottom of my stomach also protrudes pretty far. Would repairs for these possibly be covered by insurance? Recovery from my most recent c-section was challenging because of the overhang on my incision from my stomach.

The cost of repairing a diastasis recti can range from $5,000 to $19,000. The location, board-certified plastic surgeon, length, and intricacy of the plastic surgery all affect the cost of a diastasis recti correction.

Is diastasis recti surgery the same as a tummy tuck?

Similar to a stomach tuck (abdominoplasty), diastasis recti surgery includes surgically reattaching the torn muscles. The excision of extra skin and fat from the abdomen is typically part of a stomach tuck procedure. In addition to a diastasis recti repair, the majority of women who undergo diastasis recti surgery after having children also undergo a stomach tuck.

Not all diastasis recti sufferers will require surgery. While some women will only have mild diastasis recti, others will have severe cases that are irreparable.

The Mayo Clinic advises women whose everyday activities are hampered by abdominal muscular weakness to seek surgery. In addition, women who are “bothered by the bulge” may elect to have surgery done merely for cosmetic reasons.

Which Procedure Is More Likely To Be Covered By Insurance:

Panniculectomy vs. Tummy Tuck?

In both panniculectomy and abdominoplasty, also known as a “tummy tuck,” excess skin from the lower abdomen is removed. Patients who have undergone significant weight reduction surgery or non-surgical techniques, such as gastric bypass, are often the ones who undergo them.

The lower abdominal skin is intended to be removed by both procedures. However, they also vary in a number of ways.

A tummy tuck

A belly tuck tightens the abdominal muscles and eliminates excess skin for aesthetic purposes. Insurance companies are unable to cover it because it is an invasive procedure that is often selected for cosmetic rather than medically necessary reasons.


To remove an excessive amount of lower abdominal skin, a panniculectomy is an invasive surgical procedure. When your health is negatively impacted by the extra skin and tissue in your lower abdomen, such as when you develop rashes, ulcers, or infections in the skin folds, it is time to get rid of it.

Is it possible to get diastasis recti surgery covered?

Although diastasis recti surgery is typically not covered, certain insurance companies do.

Diastasis recti treatment is essentially the same procedure as a tummy tuck despite its resemblance to (and frequent co-occurrence with) a hernia. As a result, insurance typically does not pay for it. If the procedure is carried out by a general surgeon and is limited to muscle repair without skin removal, some patients might be able to get it covered by insurance; however, each insurance provider is different.

  • extensive records of their time spent receiving physical therapy
  • doctors’ surgical recommendations.


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