How To Get Rhinoplasty Covered By Insurance?

How to Obtain Insurance Coverage for Rhinoplasty

Over 350,000 nose operations were completed in 2020, making it the year’s most popular cosmetic surgery, according to the National Plastic Surgery Statistics. Given that the nose is the centre of the face, any asymmetry, disproportion, or irregular shapes should not be surprising.

The most attractive noses, unlike other face features, are those that are undetected. The other features are diminished by a nose that draws attention to itself, which also has a negative effect on self-confidence and self-esteem. Rhinoplasty is a fantastic approach to enhance the nose’s proportions or contours for a more aesthetically attractive look.

However, the price of rhinoplasty surgery, as it is not a cheap process, can be a deterrent. Regrettably, the majority of insurance companies don’t pay for solely aesthetic operations. However, did you know that nose jobs go beyond simple cosmetic improvement? They can also make it easier for someone to breathe easily through their nose. The good news is that insurance frequently pays for rhinoplasty when it is performed for medical reasons.

How to get insurance to cover rhinoplasty

You’ll need to provide evidence that your nose surgery is necessary to address functional issues that have not been resolved by more conservative treatments in order to get insurance to pay for it. If you have trouble breathing because of: A rhinoplasty may be judged medically essential and so reimbursed by insurance.

  • broken nose
  • nasal deviation Cleft palate
  • Uneven lip
  • Polyps
  • Unusual structural features
  • persistent sinusitis or nasal irritation
  • irregular cartilage

Combining functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty involves changing the outer shape and contours as well as the inside channels. By addressing:, cosmetic rhinoplasty can be utilised to improve face harmony.

  • too-wide or too-narrow striations
  • The bridge has discernible humps or depressions
  • irregular nasal tip (enlarged or hooked, for example)

nose asymmetry

Insurance often only pays for the functional part of a combined functional and aesthetic rhinoplasty.

Dr. Laverson will conduct a complete physical examination and assess your history of breathing during your consultation for a nose job at Feel Beautiful to see whether your nasal passages are operating properly.

If you have any ailments or past trauma that could be the root of your breathing issues, it’s critical that you tell him everything you know about them. If Dr. Laverson determines that a nose job will enhance your ability to breathe, a pre-authorization letter can be issued to your insurance provider to get an estimate of your benefits.

Insurance will not pay for rhinoplasty procedures intended to improve one’s appearance. However, functional rhinoplasty, also known as septoplasty, may be partially or completely covered if it is performed to address functional problems.

Patients who were born with a deviated septum or an extremely thin nose, who have undergone functional rhinoplasty (to repair the interior structures of the nose and create free airflow) or who have other functional problems may suffer nasal trauma after an accident or sports injury.

Functional rhinoplasty is not considered cosmetic surgery because it is performed to treat a medical condition with your nose.

Although functional rhinoplasty can transform the nasal contours to a more aesthetically pleasing shape, it does not always affect the way your nose looks. With an experienced plastic surgeon, preferably one with reconstructive experience, go over your surgical aims. By doing this, you’ll increase both the quality of your breathing and the form of your nasal bridge.

Rhinoplasty Benefits

Functional rhinoplasty improves your breathing and increases your enjoyment of life. Your quality of life may be impacted by nasal blockage if left untreated. Having a nose job can help with:

  • Congestion
  • Mouth respiration
  • mouth ache
  • reduced ability to smell
  • persistent nosebleeds
  • persistent sinusitis
  • migraines brought on by nasal pressure
  • Tiredness and insomnia
  • Additionally, sleep apnea

Before assuming that your assumptions about coverage are correct, always check with your health insurance. It can be challenging to draw the boundaries between what is and is not medically essential in many situations.

You might take into account the following possibilities if you are unable to receive coverage through your health insurance or are concerned about managing expenditures for your share of the payment:

If you have a credit card with a low interest rate, you might want to think about using it to pay for your rhinoplasty. Credit cards designed or intended for use in the medical or cosmetic industry are accepted by some plastic surgeons.

If your workplace has a flexible spending account, you might be able to use this pre-tax savings account to cover some or all of your rhinoplasty expenses. For information about your plan’s rules, speak with your plan administrator.

HSAs (Health Savings Accounts): These savings accounts are a component of several catastrophic or high-deductible health insurance plans.

Until they hit their high deductible, participants in the plan pay for medical expenses out of their pre-tax health savings accounts. Parts of your operation that are medically required may qualify. For rules, ask your plan administrator.


There are a few medical justifications for rhinoplasty. Functional rhinoplasty is generally performed to address nasal injuries or trauma, to cure collapsed or narrowing nostrils or nasal valves, and to treat obstructed nasal breathing. It is also performed to treat birth defects that affect the nasal passages’ ability to function.

Your nasal valves may be fixed, your nasal bones may be straightened, and your nostrils may be altered with this treatment, among other things. Local anaesthetic, intravenous sedation, or general anaesthesia are all options for performing it. Costs may increase as a result of the type of sedative used. For the anesthesiologist, for instance, general anaesthesia entails significant costs. It makes sense for you to want to know if insurance will pay for this.


You must verify directly with your insurance service provider to get the full story on whether they consider items eligible for coverage.

However, if the procedure is required to fix a problem brought on by a sickness or infection, or to fix an injury caused by an accident or another type of trauma, it might just qualify. Your insurance company might only reimburse that portion of the costs if your rhinoplasty also includes a procedure that is being done for functional purposes.

For instance, this portion of the procedure can be covered if you struggle to breathe due to a deviated septum. However, the cosmetic element—such as shrinking your nostrils or making your nose appear narrower or more symmetrical—will not be covered by the insurance provider.


The first step is to speak with a reputable cosmetic surgeon to gain a better knowledge of what the surgery comprises and to determine whether or not you are eligible for insurance reimbursement for your procedure.

Your demands for rhinoplasty and other facial surgery procedures can be handled by the reputable and board-certified facial surgery cosmetic surgeon Dr. Jamil Asaria at Face Toronto. Call (888) 684-7066 or stop by the cosmetic surgery facility at 251 Davenport Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5R 1J9 to learn more and get your questions answered.


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