Ultimate Management Leadership Styles You Should Be Aware Of

The leader’s job is to get things done by inspiring others to succeed. It is critical to establish leadership styles that are appropriate for various situations. The approach taken is determined by the team’s requirements. 

Great leaders tailor their leadership approaches to the situation and the end goal. Here are the five leadership styles you should cultivate in order to motivate your team to perform at their best. 

These are the five leadership styles:

  1. The Structural Leader
  2. The Participative Leader
  3. The Servant-Leader
  4. The Freedom-Thinking Leader
  5. The Transformational Leade

Leadership Style 1: The Structural Leader

The first type of leadership is structural.

Everyone understands what must be done, why it must be done, and to what standard it must be done. You take full responsibility for your employees. You select them, allocate them, and manage them with the goal of achieving greatness.

This approach helps you to make quick decisions without the need for outside input or dispute.

More transactional actions may be possible under the structural leadership style. For instance, you may reward or reprimand team members based on how well they achieve your objectives.

When your team is already motivated and knows what they’re doing, this is the style to use.

However, this approach does not provide for a lot of versatility. When used excessively or on a team that isn’t already driven, it might make people feel overwhelmed and hinder innovation.

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Leadership Style 2: The Participative Leader

Participative leadership is the next type of leadership. By putting your employees first, you demonstrate that you genuinely care about them.

With them, you demonstrate the “friendship factor,” which consists of three elements: time, care, and respect. You treat them with the same deference, patience, and understanding that you do yourself.

You should treat them like you would a family member or friend. You show that you care about them and their concerns. This develops a sense of belonging, ownership, and bonding with the organization.

This approach enhances your team’s morale by allowing them to participate in decision-making and goal-setting.

Their voices and thoughts are heard, which makes it simpler for them to accept changes. It’s also useful when you’re looking for new ideas or viewpoints.

Use this method when you’re in a tense situation or need to build trust. Excessive reliance on praise can lead to mediocre results and a lack of clear, strong corporate direction.

Leadership Style 3: The Servant-Leader

Servant leadership is the third type of leadership.

This makes the Participative approach more one-sided, since you see your job as a means of serving your team, just as they see their job as a means of serving you and the firm.

You follow the Golden Rule, which states that you should manage others in the same way that you want to be managed. You make certain that everyone knows exactly what they’re doing and has all of the tools they’ll need.

If they don’t, you can provide plenty of opportunities for learning, training, and improvement.

Because your employees are acquiring critical skills that will improve both their performance and their character, this method inspires peak performance.

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Their participation, suggestions, and feedback are all valued.

Use this method with a diversified team where each individual requires personalization in management.

Servant leadership is an excellent way to establish respect, trust, and loyalty at the beginning. Because it is tailored to the demands of the team, the style also helps to create a strong culture.

However, if you don’t strike the right balance, your staff may end up dominating the show. It could lead to a lack of authority, as well as a restriction on direction and vision.

Leadership Style 4: The Freedom-Thinking Leader

Freedom is the next leadership style.

You allow your employees to perform at their best. You attempt to remain out of the way once you’ve assigned a duty, simply commenting and assisting when necessary.

By directing the team toward a vision or objective, you take on a more authoritative role. You leave the means up to each member, akin to the Servant approach.

This leadership style instills in your team members an entrepreneurial spirit and a defined goal. Especially if developments inside the firm necessitate a fresh vision.

When you have a lot of knowledge and a team of highly experienced professionals who don’t need much supervision, this is the method to use.

When your team members are greater specialists than you or require more supervision, the freedom model will not function. This might result in sloppy work, a lack of regular feedback, and a loss of control.

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Leadership Style 5: The Transformational Leader

Transformational leadership is the final type of leadership.

My particular favorite is this one. People’s emotions are influenced by transformational leaders who portray a huge, thrilling picture of the future.

People are transformed when you tap into their aspirations, dreams, and ideals. Employees are motivated by your own motivation. You increase productivity by maintaining a high level of transparency and communication.

This approach combines vision and the future to enthuse and commit your team to a project. It takes more than just your team’s ownership to achieve goals

; it also takes your participation as a leader.

You set an example by being enthusiastic and fully committed to all you say and do.

Use this approach to concentrate on developing long-term personal qualities. Your teammates will be more successful and confident in you, themselves, and the company as a result of these strengths.

This technique will encourage effort, reduce worries, and help you solve challenges jointly unless you lack the skill or your team is obstinate and reluctant to alter or learn.

Use These Styles To Bring Your Team To Success

Remember that building strong leadership characteristics is a simple yet difficult task. Nothing worth having is simple.

The good news is that by honing these skills, you will see a difference in your employees’ performance. The five styles will lead to excellent success for your team, enhance productivity, and encourage top performance.

Before we finish, let me leave you with a thought to share with your friends and followers: “Leadership is the ability to get extraordinary results from ordinary people.”

Now I’d like to hear from you, so my question for today is: What is one leadership technique that you use?

If you leave a comment below, I’ll make sure to respond.

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