Nutritionally Beneficial Homemade Diet Foods

If you want to drop a few pounds, you don’t have to starve yourself or eat just lettuce leaves, carrots, and low-fat spreads. Many low-calorie items, in fact, will do you more harm than good.

For starters, many are nutritionally deficient, meaning they lack the vitamins and minerals your body requires to function correctly. Worst of all, when patients reintroduce ‘normal’ eating habits, they usually acquire weight again! 
Real foods are the foundation of a healthy diet. These are foods with a good balance of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals while being low in sugar and calories.

They should provide you with long-lasting energy and make you feel satisfied. They should be nutrient-dense enough to keep your metabolism going for several hours. 

Here’s my pick of some good diet foods to keep you looking and feeling great.

1. Bircher Muesli

Bircher is a homemade oat, fruit, nut, and grain blend that has been soaked overnight in water or milk. Soaking the foods makes them more digestible, which means your body can absorb the nutrients more easily.

Bircher Muesli is high in nutritious complex carbs, protein, and fiber, as well as being a fantastic diet meal. It gives you long-lasting energy that keeps you satisfied throughout the day. It also includes everything you’ll need to keep your blood sugar in check and avoid sugar cravings.

Best of all, you can prepare your Bircher Muesli with solely low-sugar components, making it the ideal weight-loss breakfast!

Oats, raisins, cinnamon, almonds, and applesauce can all be used in a basic Bircher Muesli recipe. Simply combine all of the ingredients, add low-fat milk or water, and stir in some grated apple.

Place the ingredients in a glass jar, screw on the lid, and refrigerate for up to five days.

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2. Homemade Bone Broth

Bone broth is not only a great diet meal, but it also offers a lot of health benefits. It’s extremely beneficial for a swollen intestine!

Glutamate is an essential amino found in bone broth. Glutamine aids in the restoration of your gut’s damaged lining. It aids in the re-gluing of loose intestinal cells, which is critical for patients suffering from Leaky Gut Syndrome or IBS.

Bone broth is calorie-free. It’s high in vitamin A, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, magnesium, and other minerals.

It’s easy to make your own bone broth. All you’ll need are some vegetables and high-quality roast chicken or beef bones (ideally organic).

Fill a large stockpot halfway with filtered water and add the bones. Add the bones and a splash of apple cider vinegar to assist the bones to release their nutrients.

Vegetables like carrots, onions, and parsley can be added for added flavor and nutrients. Bring the stock to a boil, then reduce to low heat and cook until the chicken is done.

The beef broth takes 48 hours on average, whereas chicken or poultry broth takes 24 hours. The broth can then be frozen or stored in the refrigerator for up to four days.

Related: 13 Low-Fat, High-Protein Foods for a Healthy Diet

3. Chia Seed Pudding

Chia seeds are a great source of omega-3 from plants. They’re also high in fiber and protein. Two tablespoons of chia seeds contain almost 10 grams of fiber, which is around 40% of your daily fiber need.

According to research, eating a high-fiber diet will help you lose weight faster. According to some research, eating 30 grams of fiber per day can help you lose as much weight as any ‘on-trend diet.

Chia seeds are also high in fiber, so they keep you fuller for longer. They can help you avoid nibbling or overeating in this way.

More importantly, chia seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have been related to weight growth and obesity. You can also reduce the glycemic index by using natural sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit extract without sacrificing taste.

Simply mix chia seeds with your preferred milk, cover, and refrigerate overnight. You can add more liquid as you need to get the consistency you like. Sweeten to taste and serve with blueberries on top.

Chia pudding can be kept refrigerated in an airtight container for up to a week.

Related: What Is a Whole Food Diet, and How Effective Is It?

4. Keto-Friendly Pancakes

These protein-rich pancakes are one of the best diet foods available, even if you aren’t following the Keto diet. They’re quick and simple to make, and they’ll provide you with enough slow-burning energy to get you through the day.

Replacing carbohydrates and fat with protein can help lower levels of the “hunger hormone” in your system while also increasing levels of other satiety hormones. This reduces hunger sensations and the number of calories consumed during the day.

Yes, you can cook pancakes without bananas, butter, or carbohydrates! Protein powder and your preferred nut milk, such as almond or coconut, can be used to make keto pancakes.

Combine the protein powder, eggs, water or almond milk, and baking powder in a mixing bowl. Combine all of the ingredients in a mixing bowl and cook in a pan like regular pancakes.

5. Kimchi

Kimchi has been a staple of the Korean diet for centuries. It harbors a huge range of health benefits including weight loss.

According to studies, eating fresh or fermented kimchi can help you lose weight and lower your BMI. Fermented kimchi has also been demonstrated to lower blood sugar levels, which is beneficial for avoiding sugar cravings.

In fact, fermented kimchi appears to be more effective than fresh kimchi at lowering blood pressure and body fat percentage.

The ‘good bacteria in kimchi are thought to be responsible for its weight-loss properties. It also has a low-calorie count and a high fiber content. Kimchi is a powerful source of nutrients for your gut bacteria because it is a fermented food.

It aids in the eradication of ‘bad’ microorganisms. It also contains the minerals your body requires on a daily basis, such as iron, folate, and vitamins B6 and K.

Lacto-fermentation, which is also used to make sauerkraut and classic dill pickles, is utilized to make kimchi.

To make your own kimchi, simply chop up a large cabbage and salt it. Rinse and drain the chopped cabbage, make a spice paste, and combine with other vegetables.

The salty brine kills off harmful bacteria, while the fermentation stage allows Lactobacillus bacteria (the good bacteria) to convert sugars into lactic acid. This is what preserves the vegetables and gives them flavor.

Related: 8 Best Foods for Dieters to Eat Healthily

6. Golden Milk Latte

You’ve probably heard about the weight-loss benefits of coconut oil. According to certain studies, coconut oil is fantastic diet food for reducing belly fat. In one study of obese adults, two tablespoons of coconut oil consumed daily helped to lower waist circumference in male adults.

Turmeric may also help you lose weight! Even when the mice’s food remained unchanged, turmeric supplementation resulted in weight reduction and lower body fat levels.

A tasty turmeric latte can also aid in the healing of a damaged stomach. It’s high in healthy fats to boost energy and memory, as well as cinnamon to keep blood sugar in check.

According to some sources, turmeric can lower inflammation by 59 percent. This can aid in the relief of hurting joints while also encouraging your body to burn fat more quickly.

Simply heat light coconut milk or almond milk with a pinch of salt to make your own golden milk. 1 tsp turmeric powder and a pinch of black pepper in a saucepan. Allow to cool, then drink!

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7. Kefir

Kefir is a fermented milk beverage made traditionally from cow or goat milk. The milk is supplemented with kefir grains, which provide health advantages.

These grains are made up of Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria and yeast, which break down the proteins in milk to produce a fermented beverage with a variety of health advantages.

Probiotic foods like kefir milk and/or kefir yogurt, according to research, can help rebalance the colonies of friendly bacteria in the gut, which can help reduce inflammation.

Kefir has also been shown in several trials to help decrease cholesterol and triglyceride levels. This is due to the fact that the bacteria in your gut play a significant part in the digestion of protein and lipids.

There’s also some evidence that probiotics like Lactobacillus bacteria can help with weight loss, especially when multiple strains are ingested at the same time.

To make milk kefir, you’ll first need to get some starter grains. Add these to fresh milk in a large jar and cover with a coffee filter or muslin cloth. Secure with a rubber band and place the jar in a warm area of around 68°-85°F to develop.

Over the following 24 hours, the milk will become slightly thick and sweet-smelling. You can then place the kefir grains in a new batch of milk and store it in the refrigerator.

Final Thoughts

There you have it, 7 homemade diet foods that are good for your health and well-being. All of these are relatively easy to make, so preparation shouldn’t be hard. After all, maintaining a good diet shouldn’t be difficult.

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