Reasons to Celebrate Small Victories

Are you looking for strategies to increase your motivation, engagement, or overall happiness? Small triumphs should be celebrated on a regular basis to give you the energy boost you require.

We all have huge dreams in life, such as purchasing a home, writing a novel, or establishing a non-profit organization. Big goals are important for finding happiness in life, but when they are long-term, we risk losing motivation and energy along the road.

This is why recognizing and celebrating tiny accomplishments is so important for success.

What Are Small Victories?

Let’s start by defining what a “little triumph” is. Small triumphs are everything you achieve that is in line with your goals. Work, personal or professional connections, habit changes, and/or economics can all be factors.

It’s easy to overlook small victories, especially if you’ve been nurtured on a diet of self-criticism and perfectionism.

Let’s pretend you want to be less critical of others. A tiny win can be recognized when you start to think anything negative about how someone else pronounces the word “milk.”

Even if the notion still came to mind when they said “milk,” you were at least aware of yourself in the thought.

When you pay attention to your thoughts, you can start to wonder why everyone has to pronounce words the same way. This is consciousness, and as the saying goes, awareness is the key to making lasting changes in one’s life

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Why Should We Celebrate Small Victories?

Why not just wait for the huge victories to whisk you away to bliss instead of enjoying tiny victories?

Imagine answering the door and hearing a representative with way too much false tan exclaim, “Congratulations, you have just won $3 million!” You’re surrounded by balloons and confetti. What would it be like to celebrate such a significant victory?

Surely, with that kind of money, you’d be not just motivated and engaged, but also happy and fulfilled for the rest of your life, right? According to studies, persons who win huge sums of money are happier with their overall quality of life. [1]

They don’t, however, have more happiness on a daily basis than anyone else—so much for major triumphs.

Small victories keep us motivated and on track, which might help us avoid procrastinating.

In fact, articles extolling the merits of enjoying the tiny things have already flooded the internet. However, happiness is only one of the many reasons you should rejoice on a regular basis.

The following categories might be used to categorize the reasons for celebrating little.

1. Energy

It can be difficult to do anything when your energy levels are low. Regardless of how hard you try to create goals, without energy, it’s easy to see why the sofa would have a stronger magnetic draw than the treadmill. When you celebrate tiny triumphs, you give yourself modest bursts of energy that add up over time.

Try it for yourself right now: think about something tiny you accomplished today. Perhaps you took out the trash despite the fact that it was bitterly cold outdoors, you were exhausted, and you didn’t want to.

“I’m so proud of you for enduring those dreadful weather conditions to keep the house running well, “tell yourself.

Perhaps you’re toasting yourself for opting for tea over coffee in the afternoon. How does it feel to give yourself a pat on the back? What happens to your body when you congratulate yourself on a small victory?

Over time, you’ll realize that the small celebrations provide you with energy boosts that add up. Even if you still despise bringing out the trash, you’ll at least have the energy to do it.

When you have more energy, you may find that you are more driven to complete all of the tasks on your “to-do” list, big and small. As a result, a positive feedback loop is created.

You achieve something, rejoice, enhance your enthusiasm to do more, and then repeat. Indeed, there is evidence that celebrating small victories motivates you to achieve even bigger ones.

Likewise, the inverse is true. Imagine how much more difficult it will be to chip away at the large ones if you don’t get the little things done.

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2. Personal and Professional Growth

Recognizing tiny victories helps you maintain track of your progress. This is very useful when trying to form a new habit or change your lifestyle.

Behavioral adjustments can be one of the most difficult tasks we face.[2]

When it comes to personal or professional growth and development, they might also be the most advantageous. It’s easy to get caught up in the “all or nothing” mentality.

For example, many individuals believe that if they can’t make a behavioral change—such as stopping smoking—the first time they attempt, they should give up.

Positive reinforcement in the form of modest victories can help you get back on course after a momentary detour. “I only had three cigarettes today,” you might think, as a modest accomplishment that will lead to you only having two cigarettes tomorrow.

Growth is a process in all aspects of life, and this process necessitates the use of instruments. When you’re trying to become the person you’ve always said you want to be, you’ll want to employ a deliberate strategy like celebrating the simple things.

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3. Self-Love

Education is said to be the most essential investment you will ever make. Consider this scenario: you’re working for a degree and you’re self-critical to the point of having serious test anxiety.

It doesn’t matter how much money you put into your education if you don’t give yourself some patience and compassion—you’ll never finish it!

As a result, self-love is the most important investment you will ever make.[3] For the rest of your life, you are the only person you will ever know.

You will be able to handle any life difficulty or storm if you love yourself wholeheartedly. One of the numerous ways to take care of oneself is to celebrate your tiny victories[4].

When they marry, they have a party. We commemorate the birthdays of our loved ones. We celebrate because it shows how much we care about others. As a result, by actively celebrating tiny triumphs, you validate your love for yourself.

Celebrating your modest accomplishments is a great method to show that you are aware of your incredible abilities. It encourages you to rely on your own positive feedback rather than relying on what the rest of the world thinks of you.

“People-pleasing is the gateway to the Kingdom of Joy,” as no one has ever declared before. Stop waiting for others to tell you how valuable you are and start appreciating all of your little accomplishments.

Self-love has also been shown to improve relationships with others as a secondary effect. [5] It turns out that if you love yourself, you’ll treat people the way you’d like to be treated.

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4. Happiness

Our pursuit of pleasure, according to Jungian psychologist Dr. James Hollis, is not the central objective of our life

. Instead, we should make it a priority to design our lives around finding significance. [6]

Why, therefore, is happiness emphasized in practically every article about little triumphs, including this one? Because that is what we desire. As it turns out, getting to where we want to go isn’t easy.

“Joy and happiness are not goals in and of themselves,” Hollis says, “but they are by-products of those moments when we are doing what is truly good for us.”[7]

Happiness is an unintended consequence! When we are totally engaged in our lives, we gain more confidence, our actions match our objectives, our love for ourselves grows, and we live a life that has significance.

As a result, if you want to be happy, you must discover ways to bring purpose into your life. Celebrating your small victories can help you find this purpose.

To put it another way, if you’re not ready to let go of the pursuit of happiness, think of it as a skill you can learn.[8]

Try celebrating all of your tiny accomplishments if you want a tried and true strategy to engage with that discipline.

Related: 15 Tips for a Happier and More Fulfilling Life

Final Thoughts

Consider keeping track of your small accomplishments on a daily basis. You can read everything you celebrated at the end of the week, which will allow you experience the accumulation of all the small victories.

Re-read your celebration journal at the end of the year if you want to experience an even bigger win!


  1. NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES: Long-Run Effects of Lottery Wealth on Psychological Well-Being

2. Harvard Health Publishing: Why Behavior Change Is Hard – and Why You Should Keep Trying

3. Medical News Today: Why Self-Love Is Important and How to Cultivate It

4. Blessing Manifesting: Self-Love Languages, What’s Yours?

5. Psychology Today: Self-Love is the New #RelationshipGoals

6. Jung Society of Washington: It’s Not About Happiness

7. Jung Society of Washington: It’s Not About Happiness

8. Psychology Today: Happiness is a Practice, Not a Destination

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