Moral leadership consists of instilling values or purpose in people’s lives, inspiring them to act, and motivating them to hold themselves accountable.
Step up when you don’t see someone providing purpose and doing what is best for the greater good.
It is a responsibility to be a leader. It’s also a force that should not be underestimated.
“If you have some power, your responsibility is to empower somebody else,” the late author Toni Morrison stated. When you use your power to lead others, you are at your finest. Here are five methods for cultivating moral leadership:
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1. Identity is a set of values
Moral leaders guide themselves with values and ethics that they develop over time and with experience. Examples of values include integrity, respect, accountability, community, inclusion, fairness, and service.
What experiences have shaped your thoughts and views? Be introspective. Think about the principles by which you live your life.
2. Manage your ego
Moral leaders are self-assured and do not feel threatened by others. They also understand that they are not the most important thing in the world, and that leadership is not about them.
Serving others is at the heart of leadership. It has nothing to do with you or your preferences. True leaders value others and put others’ needs ahead of their own.
Related: The Characteristics and Qualities of Effective Leaders
3. Consider diverse groups of people, and include their views
Leaders do not expect everyone to share their values. They take into account the values of others. They communicate with and comprehend people.
A vision for a brighter future is formed by combining their values with the values of various groups.
4. Embrace change
People seek moral leadership when they want to change. Leaders don’t fear change.
They have the courage and conviction to share a vision to try and bring about positive change.
5. Build consensus, and establish unity
It’s unusual that everyone will agree with your point of view or perspective (read more about the 20-60-20 rule). A leader pays attention to persons who hold opposing viewpoints. A good leader understands that winning over everyone is impossible.
Leaders are also aware of the dangers of creating schisms. Moral leaders strive to articulate a goal that will compel as many people as possible to participate in bringing about positive change for the greater good.
Moral leadership is a goal that anybody may achieve. It’s not easy to achieve, but it’s well worth the effort for yourself and the people around you. Know your ideals, leave your ego at home, embrace others, be transformative, and strive for harmony.
Related: The Value of Honesty and Integrity in the Workplace