Ways To Change Your Perspective During a Crisis

If there’s one constant in life, it’s that change is unavoidable and unavoidable.

When we are faced with misfortune, we are quick to say “this, too, shall pass,” but we forget that the same phrase applies when things are going well. When you think you’re on top of the world, it only takes one bad day to knock you back down to earth.

Perhaps you’ve lost your work, or you’ve suffered a serious injury or sickness. Perhaps it’s the unexpected death of a loved one or a faith crisis. Regardless of what is going wrong, you are never completely helpless – even if it may feel that way at times.

Whatever the situation, one thing you can always do is take charge and adjust your perspective. This list was made specifically for that reason, as we know that changing your perspective can sometimes help you get back on your feet.

Continue reading to learn how to change your perspective, whether you’re in a crisis or not.

The view from street level to the top of the Richard J. Daley Center.

“What you see depends not only on what you look at but also one where you look from.” James Deacon

How to Lead?

When leading through a crisis, most leaders are forced to think and behave in ways that feel unfamiliar. Whether it’s a technological, financial, natural, or health crisis — at work or in the community — crises demand that leaders take an emergency response plan and adapt it as new evidence and factors present themselves.

All the while, effective leaders are able to remain calm and maintain a sense of perspective. According to Gene Klann, author of our book Crisis Leadership, “During a crisis, your goal is to reduce loss and keep things operating as normal as possible.”

Especially as organizational leaders face the coronavirus pandemic and associated disruptions in the global economy, Klann recommends the following 5 actions to prepare and respond when leading through a crisis.

1. Find some perspective.

When things go wrong, it can feel as if a shroud of gloom has descended upon us. We can’t seem to see our way through the cloth to let the fresh air in, no matter how hard we try.

It’s all too easy to fall into the “why me?” trap, believing that if we rage against the darkness long enough, something will change. Either the darkness will feel sorry for us and change its nature or withdraw, or someone else will shine a light on us.

This is not the kind of thinking that will benefit you in difficult circumstances. Rather than asking yourself, “Why me?” consider, “Why not me?” What distinguishes me from others in that I never have to endure as they do?

The first step to surviving in a crisis and fighting the impulse to rant and rail about things you can’t control is to gain a sense of perspective.

Relying on others to help you gain perspective might actually make it more difficult – especially if the crisis is personal, such as losing a job or ending a relationship or friendship. Avoid asking others what they would do or say, and instead concentrate on charting your own course.

When faced with a crisis, it’s better (and healthier) to come to your own conclusions and make your own decisions, even if your friends and family members want what’s best for you.

On a beige background, the tips of four pineapples.

“Sometimes life is too hard to be alone, and sometimes life is too good to be alone.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

2. You aren’t alone

While I agree that allowing others to influence you can make certain types of personal crises more difficult to deal with, you should never imagine that you are fully alone. Help can come from the most unlikely of places.

When you start performing the work, the world will sometimes meet you halfway by providing the person with the exact abilities or counsel you to require.

Even while complaining rarely results in help, there’s no reason you shouldn’t share your tale with others-especially if it impacts your mental health. While a stoic demeanor and stiff upper lip may appear more respectable, humility is frequently the key to redemption.

Nobody can assist you if they are unaware that you require assistance. Inform family, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers about your condition, and be receptive to their offers of support and assistance.

You never know when someone will give you the one item you require to radically transform your perspective on a situation. It could be a physical resource, or simply information or an idea – or even a new point of view.

Be receptive to fresh ideas and perspectives, and don’t refuse to help out of pride or stubbornness.

From an unknown source, a quote on perspective during a crisis.

“The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.” – Unknown

3. The past is in the past

You’d think that as you get older, it gets easier to deal with bumps in the road, right?

Many of us learn the hard way that this is not the case. We believe we have the maturity and experience to deal with a catastrophe. Unfortunately, for some of us, certain crises – such as the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, or spells of sadness or anxiety – serve as a reminder of all the terrible experiences we’ve had in the past.

We begin to relive the awful things that have happened to us, and we get overwhelmed by the fear of it happening again.

When confronted with new obstacles, keep in mind that the past belongs to the past. Put it back where it belongs. If you can avoid repetition by using lessons from the past, do so.

However, avoid fatalistic thinking, which implies that just because something horrible is happening right now, everything will return to normal.

You have the power to shape your future the way you want it to be, and you can use your current circumstances to assist you.

On an orange Olympic track with white lane markings, the 800-yard mark is visible.

“Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records.” – William Arthur Ward

4. You have overcome adversity before

This can happen to anyone, no matter how young they are. Don’t let anyone convince you that just because you’re young, you don’t understand what it’s like to confront adversity. No one is immune to suffering.

Losing a family member, house, or friend while you’re young can be terrible, but it can also provide you with the emotional maturity you need to go forward.

To put it another way, the more challenges you experience in life, the more victories you will accumulate.

Remind yourself of how those terrible circumstances shaped you when you find yourself flashing back to scary recollections from your past. You are here because of your hard work, a smart idea, or an unexpected helping hand. It appeared to be impossible at the time.

“My barn having burned down, I can now see the moon.” – Minutes Masahide, 17th Century Japanese Poet and Samurai

5. This too shall pass

Returning to what I said at the outset, it’s critical to realize that nothing is ever the same. Both the ways we cope with things and the chances that offer themselves are always changing and evolving.

However, some thresholds can only be crossed in one direction. There are no remedies for all illnesses, but happily, many emergencies do not fall into this group.

Those who do are difficult to deal with, whether they affect us personally or someone we know. Chronic illnesses can be frightening and intimidating, so reach out to others and form a support group of individuals who understand and sympathize with your concerns.

Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, MS, asthma, or something else, don’t give up hope that new therapies and treatments can help you live your best life.

From a different perspective, if you’ve recently lost your job and are now receiving no responses to your applications, try to remind yourself that this is only a temporary circumstance. Maybe tomorrow is the day you finally get the phone you’ve been waiting for.

“Believe in yourself and all that you are, know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” – Christian D. Larson

6. Necessity is the mother of invention

We’ve all heard that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. However, if you’ve had a few setbacks in life, you could disagree.

You may have also heard that necessity is the mother of invention, which means that the need to adjust or adapt to anything often leads to fantastic results. It’s likely that at least some of the challenges you’ve faced have taught you anything.

It could have been a new job or a new friend, stronger professional or interpersonal abilities, or better money management. Adversity does have the ability to make us stronger. It can also make us smarter at times.

A pick-wielding mountain climber ascends a steep and hazardous rock wall.

Admittedly, not all of the changes we go thru are positive; adversity can make us fearful of the future. It has the potential to generate self-doubt in us, which can last for years.

However, there are usually enough beneficial adjustments to balance out the unpleasant ones, and sticking to them might help you confront future challenges.

“Love unconditionally. But rely on yourself.” – Marty Rubin

7. Other people do not always know best

When you’re in the middle of a crisis, it can feel like the entire world is trying to tell you what’s going on and what you should do.

Their advice is sometimes invaluable; in certain cases, as I have learned from personal experience, it can even save you from depression.

Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case — not everyone who offers you their opinion has your best interests at heart. There are a lot of pessimists in the world. It’s true that misery loves company: people who are going through a terrible time would want to empathize with someone who is going through the same thing, while others are searching for an outlet to vent their frustrations on you.

Others may even be rooting for your demise, however how difficult it is to believe.

Take the positive action of ignoring their negativity and moving forward if your instinct tells you that someone is not looking out for your best interests. Listen to the individuals that want you to succeed and believe in yourself.

With a dark background, and Octavia Butler quote, and a recently lit match,

“In order to rise from its own ashes, a Phoenix first must burn.” – Octavia Butler

8. A phoenix always burns up in flames before it is reborn.

If the phoenix has taught us anything, it’s that sometimes you have to say goodbye to something before you can be reborn as a better, stronger, happier person, whether in classic literature, movies, or even the Harry Potter novels.

Consider that you are going through a problem right now because something greater is waiting for you out there. Perhaps losing your job is the best thing you’ve ever done, and you just don’t realize it.

Losing a job that makes you feel secure yet unchallenged could indicate that your real career hasn’t started yet. Perhaps the injuries that caused you to return to your hometown for help will allow you to reconnect with the people you care about. Maybe you’re having a faith crisis.

Whatever the situation may be, you won’t be able to flip this page in your life’s tale unless you’re ready to let go. When we cling to those pages, life will sometimes change the pages for us. We may not be prepared, but until you take action, we will never know what the future has in store for you.

A “tragedy” might sometimes turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Is this anything that has happened to you? Please tell us about your experience in the comments section.

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