Ways to Clear Your Mind If You’re Having a Mental Block

My kid left her Chromebook at home; that tweet is likely to create a media frenzy, and the space heater is putting me to sleep.

While I’m attempting to concentrate on writing, this laundry list of strange thoughts runs through my head, resulting in a solid case of writer’s block. You’ve probably had this type of mental barrier as well.

The inability to complete a line of thought is known as a mental blockage. When your mind is diverted by something, it becomes aggravating. Life, on the other hand, goes on, and deadlines don’t change just because you want to nap.

Furthermore, great breakthroughs are frequently right around the corner from these roadblocks.

When you’re in a hurry, try these quick remedies.

1. Remind Yourself That Mental Blocks Don’t Actually Exist

I know I just gave you a litany of reasons why I’m not able to write right now, but the truth is that I’m still writing.

I pushed through the mental gymnastics and focused on the keyboard. I forced myself to write, and as a result, I was able to release all of my expectations and fears of failure.

That’s the key: refusing to accept that you have a mental obstacle and pushing through. Let’s take this method and apply it to something other than literature.

Assume you’re experiencing difficulties parenting your adolescent. Nothing you’ve tried has worked, and you’re tearing your hair out trying to reach them. You’re scared that changing your parenting strategy would make things worse for them.

When you’re having a mental block, just attempt something and let go of your need for perfection. Perhaps you write him/her a letter in which you express your frustrations as well as your affection. It isn’t necessary to make a huge gesture.

You will receive feedback after you begin. You’ll have that wonderful sense of accomplishment. You can either keep taking modest steps ahead or abandon the concept and try something else.

Related: How to Break Through Writer’s Block

2. Avoid Your Crutches

Coffee, alcohol, sugar, and medications can help you get through a short period of time, but they don’t clear the clutter or assist you to overcome mental obstacles for more than a few minutes.

To commemorate your loved one’s special day, you don’t have to forego your morning cup or a piece of cake. The moment you want to grab that extra cup of coffee to finish that big presentation is when you’re at your most vulnerable.

Mental stimulants won’t help you if you’re trapped with a mental block. They’ll just add to the mess and possibly make things worse. To maintain your brain in top shape, stick to a healthy diet and stay hydrated.

3. Time to Turn in

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, slip beneath the covers instead of going to the kitchen to kickstart your mental process. Sleep is one of the most effective ways to clear the cobwebs from our minds.

Try laying down for 20 minutes when your foggy brain is asking for a coffee fix. It’s fine if you don’t sleep; just let your mind wander. This respite from a problem-solving mentality could be exactly what you’ve been looking for.

Let’s say it’s 10 p.m., and you’re hunched over your laptop, trying to concentrate on the design elements of your client’s website. Shut it down and go to be instead of obsessing over subhead text alternatives for another half hour.

You know when it’s been too long. Even if you’re up against a hard deadline, a well-rested mind will make better decisions in a lot less time

Related: Ways to Overcome a Mental Block.

4. Exercise

When you’re stuck, it’s typical to hear someone say, “I’m going for a stroll to clear my thoughts.” This is because it works. [1]

Do you find walking to be too monotonous? Try running, and if that doesn’t work for you, try the Pilates reformer. Even if you’re too busy to execute them on a regular basis, there are plenty of exercises available.

Check out this Lifehack course: Hectic Yet Fit Programme if you have a busy life but yet want to get into the fitness habit. It will assist you in kicking off your workouts and establishing a solid fitness program.

5. The Headshake

Have you ever caught a teen in the middle of a daydream while they were studying? A brief “hello” interrupts their train of thought. They sigh and return to their arithmetic assignments. It’s a basic, almost automatic gesture.

Try shaking your head the next time your mind is caught on the same problem over and over in your head. Consider it a technique to reset your brain and start over.

6. Write It out

You’ve probably heard the suggestion to write down whatever’s on your mind, but there’s a catch. There are various ways to write, and you must select one that will help you overcome your mental roadblock.

Grab a piece of paper or a digital notebook and jot down anything that comes to mind. Mind mapping is my preferred method of brainstorming.

The big brother of brainstorming is the journal. You’re writing in entire sentences about your mental blockage, yet there’s no formal structure to your writing. It’s nothing more than a scribbled stream of thought.

7. Get Comfortable Being Alone

Complex tasks necessitate both focused and diffuse thinking to overcome mental obstacles. [2] When your brain is on autopilot (like those “aha!” moments you have in the shower), diffuse thought occurs. Concentrated thinking needs greater effort and a calm environment.

This will be difficult for those of you who are in quarantine with a full house. When was the last time you were in a flow state while working on a laptop perched on your kitchen counter, surrounded by family members? Here’s a little secret for those of you who are currently in this scenario.

You must set aside time while everyone else is sleeping. Set your alarm for 5 a.m. and sit in front of your computer with your mental block.

8. Fix the Actual Cause

Let’s say you’re having trouble figuring out how to boost sales. You’ve set a meeting with your marketing team, but the launch of your new product isn’t going well. The replay of the quarrel you had with your husband last night has blocked your creative muse.

It’s time to pick up the phone and rehash the family gathering arrangements issue. You won’t be able to get your brain to quit looping this loop unless you give it time to do so.

If there’s a clear issue, that’s what’s keeping you from moving forward—an issue that pops into your mind every time you sit down to work.

9. Take a Fresh Perspective

To activate a new creative process, try looking at your challenge through the eyes of a child. Better still, ask your child for suggestions on how to get beyond your mental stumbling block or solve a problem.

When children observe the world, they are filled with awe. Their thoughts are unfiltered since they lack years of experience looking at the same problems.

Consider giving a toddler unrestricted access to a Tupperware cupboard. They’ll keep the kid occupied for hours as they build towers, knock them down, bash on them, and perhaps even pretend to be cars speeding about the kitchen.

Filling it with last night’s pulled pork and putting it in the fridge will be the last thing on their minds.

Of all, you can’t expect a kid to devise a product launch marketing strategy. If you take the time to listen to a ten-year-old, I’m sure you’ll receive some intriguing ideas. Sometimes all you need is a different viewpoint.

Final Thoughts

Mental obstruction can present itself in a variety of ways, including tension, despair, and anxiety. When you find that your ideas aren’t flowing in the right direction, try one of the tactics listed above to break through the mental clutter.

This may take several hours or even days, but after you’ve completed it, you’ll be more productive and less anxious.


1. American Psychological Association: The exercise effect

2. Science Direct: Chapter One – The Middle Way: Finding the Balance between Mindfulness and Mind-Wandering

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