What is the Cost of Hemorrhoid Surgery with Insurance?

For some people, a healthy diet and lifestyle and over-the-counter medicines aren’t enough to treat hemorrhoids.

There are also procedures that shrink or remove them, such as using a laser, that can be done in your doctor’s office. Although these may hurt less and have fewer complications, surgery might be a better long-term choice, especially if your hemorrhoids are large and very painful or bleeding.

Hemorrhoid surgery is safe and effective most of the time. But you’ll still need to eat a high-fiber diet, avoid constipation, and take care of your bottom to help prevent new hemorrhoid flare-ups.

What are Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids, (also known as ‘piles’) are swollen veins. There are 2 types of hemorrhoids, internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids are found inside the lower part of your rectum.

External hemorrhoids are the most common. They originate just outside the anus. They can cause swelling, a lump, pain, severe itching, and discomfort when sitting down. External hemorrhoids grow outside of your anus.

Internal hemorrhoids originate higher up in your anus. They can poke through (prolapse) and appear outside your anus. This can be extremely painful.

What is Hemorrhoid Surgery?

There are several different medical procedures for treating hemorrhoids, including ones your doctor can do in the office, through to surgery (hemorrhoidectomy) performed in a day clinic or hospital. They’re all designed to reduce or remove hemorrhoids.

Surgery usually involves cutting off their blood supply or else removing them completely.

The type of procedure depends on the severity of the hemorrhoids, your surgeon’s skills, and your personal choice.


Surgery to remove hemorrhoids is called hemorrhoidectomy. The doctor makes small cuts around the anus to slice them away.

You may get local anesthesia (the area being operated on is numb, and you’re awake though relaxed) or general anesthesia (you’re put to sleep). Hemorrhoidectomy is often an outpatient procedure, and you can usually go home the same day.

Because it’s highly sensitive near the cuts and you might need stitches, the area can be tender and painful afterward.

Recovery most often takes about 2 weeks, but it can take as long as 3 to 6 weeks to feel like you’re back to normal.

Procedure for Prolapse and Hemorrhoids (PPH)

PPH is also called a stapled hemorrhoidectomy. The doctor will use a stapler-like device to reposition the hemorrhoids and cut off their blood supply. Without blood, they’ll eventually shrivel and die.

It can treat hemorrhoids that have and have not prolapsed, or slipped down out of the anus.

This procedure moves hemorrhoids to where there are fewer nerve endings, so it hurts less than a traditional hemorrhoidectomy. You’ll also recover faster and have less bleeding and itching. And there are generally fewer complications.

Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation and Recto Anal Repair (HAL-RAR)

Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation and Recto Anal Repair (HAL-RAR) is a new procedure in which a miniature Doppler sensor is inserted in the anus to detect the arteries supplying blood to hemorrhoids.

The surgeon can pinpoint the arteries supplying the hemorrhoids and can tie them off to cut off the blood supply. The hemorrhoids are reduced almost immediately and, within weeks, they are no longer noticeable. The procedure is effective and virtually painless.

Hemorrhoids are common conditions of the anal or lower rectal area. They are swollen veins that affect many adults, especially those aged 45 to 75. While they rarely pose any harm to the patient, there are cases when they warrant medical attention. These include:

  • Symptoms are not improving with conservative treatment
    Some hemorrhoids can be managed with over-the-counter pain medications, change in diet, fiber supplements, and warm baths. But if your hemorrhoid symptoms are not improving with any of these methods, then it’s a sign to see a hemorrhoid specialist and consider another treatment option.
  • Hemorrhoids are accompanied by excessive bleeding or a lump in the area
    If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, professional medical help is needed to rule out other possible causes of these symptoms.
  • There is ongoing pain
    Pain is a common symptom of hemorrhoids. However, if you’re experiencing moderate or severe pain for over a week, then you should see a doctor.

Does Insurance Cover Hemorrhoid Treatment?

The cost of hemorrhoids treatment can vary, depending on the type of hemorrhoids and the severity of your condition. If you have a good insurance plan, then the cost of hemorrhoid treatment shouldn’t deter you, as most major insurance plans cover it.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options for Hemorrhoids

If the pain and recovery time from surgery are keeping you from seeking medical help for hemorrhoids, then know that you have an alternative.

Premier Surgical Hemorrhoid Center offers a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure for the treatment of hemorrhoids. The non-surgical treatment option is a less invasive procedure that doesn’t require downtime, anesthesia, or stitches. It can also be done in less than 15 minutes.

Infrared coagulation, or IFC, is a non-surgical hemorrhoid treatment option available at Premier Surgical’s Hemorrhoid Center in Knoxville. Using short bursts of warm light can cause hemorrhoids to shrink and recede.

Hemorrhoid Surgery Cost

The importance of you deciding on which method that you would want to make use of in other to get rid of your hemorrhoids can hardly be overemphasized. This is due to the fact that most times it may be something that may just be beyond your budget.

For instance, most people who have awareness about hemorrhoid surgery costs usually prefer making use of other effective and reliable treatment methods due to the fact that they can’t afford it.

Are you struggling to find some reliable facts regarding hemorrhoid surgery costs? Do you know that not getting firsthand information about such a treatment method could make you spend more than you must have planned for?

What you are about to discover are reliable pieces of information regarding the cost of treating hemorrhoids when you want to take the option of surgical operation.

The Cost of Removing Average Hemorrhoids

It is very important to note that hemorrhoid surgery cost isn’t something that is fixed. Rather, there are always variables that can influence it to a great extent. One of such variables is insurance.

If your insurance does cover this form of treatment then you can rest assured that your price will be reduced. There are various methods of surgeries to get rid of hemorrhoids with each having different costs. Some of them are:


This is a procedure that is used on those with internal hemorrhoids. In this case, the piles will be cut off with the aid of a band that is very tight. The average cost for this surgical procedure is $500 minimum and $1500 (maximum).


For those who make use of blood thinners, this will be a much better option. It can be very successful in the treatment of piles. Its cost ranges from $700 to $2500.

Coagulation Therapy

In this case, the hemorrhoid will be shrunk with the aid of infrared light. Anoscopy will be made use of in this procedure. The average cost for this one is about $400 (minimum) and $500 (maximum).

It should be noted that these are treatments that you must undergo which means that the price is likely to rise even more. Also, you need to understand that another factor that will contribute to the overall hemorrhoid surgery cost is the consultation fee.

Some of these fees go as high as $200 to book a place. It varies since it will be dependent on the treatment center that you must have chosen.

After Hemorrhoid Surgery

Pain is the most common complaint, especially when you’re pooping. You can take over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen if your doctor says it’s OK. Soaking in a warm bath may help, too.

Stool softeners can make it easier to poop.


It’s very common and is considered safe. However, any surgery has some risks including:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Reaction to anesthesia

You might have some trouble peeing afterward because of swelling or muscle spasms.

If your anal sphincter gets damaged during surgery, you could have accidental bowel or gas leaks, a condition called fecal incontinence.

Call your doctor right away if you:

  • are bleeding a lot.
  • I can’t pee or poop.
  • I have a fever.

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