Why is Email Marketing so Important?

Since its start, email marketing has ruled the roost, never wavering even when fresh marketing forms grew popular among eCommerce businesses. As a result, for many small, medium, and large enterprises, email marketing has become a reliable source of conversions.

There are even email marketing courses, webinars, and conferences available around the world to assist people with their email CRO. If you’re not already using this dependable digital marketing channel as part of your dropshipping marketing strategy, you should start now.

Table of Content

  1. What is Email Marketing?
  2. How Does Email Marketing Work?
  3. Why Email Marketing is Important?
  4. What Is a Good Open Rate for Email Marketing
  5. The Advantages of Email Marketing
  6. 5 Tips for Better Email Marketing

Don’t put things off till someone else, does it? Hire yourself and start making decisions for yourself.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a type of marketing in which businesses send promotional emails to a list of people who have signed up for their email marketing campaign. Email marketing is used to direct consumers to a company’s website or to make a purchase from a salesperson.

In recent years, email marketing has advanced significantly, allowing us to customize content within emails and generate highly segmented audiences.

Email marketing is still one of the most cost-effective and conversion-rich digital marketing strategies available today.

Sure, social media, SEO, and PPC have gotten marketers thrilled since then, but don’t be deceived! Email marketing is cost-effective and effective at driving traffic to your eCommerce site.

How Does Email Marketing Work?

Email marketing is a type of direct marketing that uses electronic email as a means of communication between your organization and your target audience to build your relationship over time.

The goal of email marketing is to promote client loyalty and increase conversions on your website, both for new and returning consumers.

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Many processes might go into email marketing, but the most crucial initial step is to build a list of people who want to hear from you. This might be done by adding a subscription box to your website or collecting emails throughout the purchase process.

Before a company can sell to customers in the EU, it must comply with various rules. After you’ve compiled a list of persons to email, you’ll need to devise a method for exchanging information with them.

Whether you’re sending out a discount coupon, new items, or general company information, you’ll need an email marketing strategy to avoid sending the same message to the same individuals repeatedly.

When sending an email to your subscriber list, be sure to include a call to action (CTA) within the text, with the usage of a prominent button, and the option to easily forward the email to a friend. Also, if part of your subscribers is from the European Union, make sure to follow GDPR guidelines.

Why Email Marketing is Important?

Let’s take a look at some data that demonstrates the value of email marketing. According to the Direct Marketing Association, every $1 spent on email marketing returns $42! That’s fantastic. No other digital marketing strategy offers such a great return on investment.

So, the next time you ask yourself, “What is email marketing?” know that it’s a cost-effective technique to promote your small online store with a high return on investment.

Email Marketing Metrics at a Glance

People use many different email marketing indicators to report on the performance of a campaign. These are the metrics:

The percentage of persons who open your email compared to the total number of emails sent out is known as the open rate.

  • CTR (Click-Through-Rate): The percentage of persons that opened your email and then clicked on something within it.
  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of people that bought anything from you after clicking on a link in your email.
  • Bounce Rate: The percentage of users who leave your email without interacting with it.
  • Subscribe Rate: Over time, the percentage rise or decreases in the number of subscribers added to your email marketing list.
  • Unsubscribe Rate: The percentage of subscribers who opt-out of a campaign or over a period of time.

What Is a Good Open Rate for Email Marketing

A respectable open rate could be somewhere between 14 and 27 percent depending on your industry. If your open rate is low, consider experimenting with different subject line forms to persuade more people to open your emails, or double-check that your emails aren’t ending up in spam folders.

There are a number of strategies to improve your open rate, but the most crucial first step is to determine whether you are delivering subscribers useful content.

If the answer is no, you’ll need to rethink your approach. If so, you can begin to examine the various aspects of your email and gradually adjust how you do things to see what affects your open rate.

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The Advantages of Email Marketing

Good ROI

Email marketing, as we’ve already discussed, delivers a high return on investment when done correctly. When you take the time to track the results of your email campaigns, you can determine their exact ROI and determine whether you need to enhance this number or celebrate your great achievements.

Ability to Track

You can track who clicks through from your email marketing to your website using free tools like Google Analytics. This can be accomplished by utilizing Google URL Builder to create tracked URLs, or by using a third-party email application that will automatically insert specific URLs so you don’t have to.

When you send an email, Google Analytics will track all of the traffic to your website that originates from that email as the source ‘Email.’ If you have these set up in your Google Analytics account, you can track how many people convert or complete a goal from there.

Ability to Automate

You can automate email campaigns with email marketing software like Constant Contact or GetResponse, so you don’t have to push a button to send a campaign. Instead, you can schedule an email to be sent at a specific time, regardless of whether or not you are in front of your computer.

The beauty of email service providers like these is that you can establish campaign routes for new subscribers that can be automated so that they receive emails without you having to push send.

5 Tips for Better Email Marketing

1. Build Your Subscriber List

It’s critical that you cultivate a list of subscribers who will interact with your material. If you don’t acquire new subscribers, your existing subscribers will begin to unsubscribe or stop engaging with your content, and your campaigns will soon move from successful to old.

Instead, include a subscription box on your website, a subscribe button throughout the checkout process, and a request on social media for your social media followers to join your email marketing list. This way, you’ll have a steady stream of subscribers to interact with.

2. Personalize Your Content

According to studies, personalizing content for the client enhances conversions and helps develop trust with the audience when delivering an email campaign to any group. According to Epsilon, when you deliver a tailored experience to your customers, they are more inclined to buy from you.

Personalization can include things like including a subscriber’s name in the email’s subject line or adjusting the content of an email based on the customer’s previous purchases.

3. Segment Your Audience

Subscribers are placed into professionally prepared lists when you segment your audience. These lists can be created using demographics, psychographics, subscriber status, or purchased products as criteria.

When you do this with your email lists, you can be confident that you’re giving your subscribers personalized content that will lead to higher conversion rates.

According to Campaign Monitor, marketers who deployed segmented campaigns saw a 760 percent boost in income. When your email list starts to grow, this is great advice to remember.

4. Test and Optimize

It’s critical to use campaign success data to improve future campaigns now that you have the ability to track them. If your CTR is lower than the industry average, for example, you might attempt A/B testing different subject lines to determine the best format for increasing CTR among your audience.

Alternatively, you may discover that subscribers visit your website but never make a purchase, indicating that the content of your email is insufficient to entice subscribers to make a purchase.

You may do this by incorporating a coupon code or a limited-time deal, or by experimenting with different CTAs to see how they affect your conversion rate.

5. Create an Email Calendar

When your email subscriber list grows to the point where you can’t remember who’s on it, it’s time to build an email calendar where you can plan out your email campaigns, underlining who should receive them and what they should contain.

You can then plan emails and prepare content ahead of time, giving you more time to focus on improving your website and increasing sales.

Furthermore, you can set up trigger emails for those who sign up for your email list or make a transaction so that they continue to get emails from you even if you decide to stop drop shipping for a few days. According to Neil Patel, trigger emails have a 152 percent greater open rate than traditional email.

They are an effective communication tool that converts passers-by into loyal customers. ” Who wouldn’t want to use trigger emails as part of their email marketing plan if this were the case?

Email Marketing in a Nutshell

That’s all there is to it. From personalization to CTR to trigger emails, email marketing is a sophisticated digital marketing channel with a lot to consider.

But one thing is certain: this content type has consistently outperformed its digital marketing competitors in terms of producing revenue.

According to our research, if you want to increase online sales and have some time to engage in email marketing, it will be time well spent.

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