Can I get worms if my cat sleeps in my cat?

Can I get worms if my cat sleeps in my cat?

Cats, like other animals, can have different types of worms. Cat owners might face this issue at some point. If your cat has worms and sleeps in your bed, you might wonder if you can get worms too.

Firstly, your cat must have worms for you to catch them. If your cat doesn’t have any parasites, sleeping with them won’t transfer any parasites to you. Your vet will check, treat, and prevent parasites during regular checkups. But if your cat does have worms, there’s a rare chance they can be passed to you in bed. This article explores whether can I get worms from my cat sleeping in my bed or not. If yes, then how?

How do cats get worms?

Cats can get worms by swallowing worm eggs and larvae. They may also get infected by eating prey that carries the worms. Cats can easily pick up infections outdoors, especially if they walk through contaminated feces and lick their paws. Fleas can also transmit worms to cats during grooming. Keeping your cat parasite-free is essential.

Cat worm symptoms

Your vet may find worms during a regular health visit. Other signs include worms or worm pieces in the cat’s feces. Weight loss, soft feces, vomiting, poor coat condition, perianal itching, and excessive eating or drinking are other signs. Worms can affect your cat’s health by robbing them of nutrients.

How can humans get worms from cats?

Humans can get worms similarly to cats—by coming in contact with worm eggs and ingesting them. Roundworms and hookworms are common types that can be transmitted to humans. Roundworm eggs can reach your face or mouth if you touch contaminated surfaces. Hookworms can penetrate the skin when touching contaminated materials.

Tapeworms, another type, are not directly transmitted from cats to humans; eating an infected flea is required.

Types of worms in cats

Tapeworms can infect cats through fleas or infected rodents. Hookworms are thin worms transmitted through contaminated soil. Roundworms often affect young animals, and deworming is necessary.

Preventing worms

Children are more likely to get worms, so care if your cat has them. Wash hands thoroughly after touching the cat or cleaning the litter box. Avoid close contact until the cat is worm-free. Regular vet visits, especially for outdoor cats, are crucial. If you notice worms, seek vet treatment.

Bottom lines

If your cat has worms, there’s a chance you can get them too if they sleep in your bed. Keep your cat out of your bed until the worms are treated. Wash hands after contact, wear gloves for litter box cleaning, and disinfect the area regularly. With proper care, you can keep everyone in the house parasite-free.

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